Care product
Fresh breathing
- Synergistic blend of essential oils
- Aids after vaccinations
- For use during periods of heat challenge
- Fits well into antibiotic reductions programs

Directions for use
Via drinking water:
0,2 gallon per 1000 gallon drinking water.
16 fluid ounce per 5 gallon stock solution (pump on 1:128).
Via mist or fogging system:
2 gallon per 1000 gallon water for 2-4 times per day usage. Apply for 2-4 consecutive days.
The required amount of Respisol™ can be mixed with lukewarm water up to 104°F (40°C).
What is it?
Respisol™ is a natural product based on essential oils. Respisol™ is a water dissolvable solution which can be
applied in drinking water or by spray application.
When to use?
- For easy breathing
- Enlightening after vaccination
- During heat challenge
Fresh breathing
- Synergistic blend of essential oils
- For use during periods of heat challenge
- Aids after vaccinations
- Fits well into antibiotic reduction programs
- Enlightening effect on breathing
- 2.6 gallon